Bristol Farms, JetBlue Pair Up for Valentine's Day
20 Feb 2007 JetBlue Airways officially announces a passenger bill of rights, But it took a Valentine's Day ice storm and the scenes of planes stuck
An Extraordinary Stumble At JetBlue
14 Feb 2010 Did you know… that Valentine's Day was named after Saint Valentine, of which there were many (it's unknown whether one person in particular
Some People Spent Valentine's Day with JetBlue
22 Feb 2007 But spending a day on the runway will sour anyone's opinion of an airline company, and Jet Blue is no exception. This was a serious blunder,
What Really Happened At JetBlue - Past News
21 Feb 2007 Within the space of a week, JetBlue is trying to spring from the source of the St. Valentine's Day Massacre to its former role as the
JetBlue Airways: Valentine's Day 2007 - Harvard Business Review
14 Feb 2010 Did you know… that Valentine's Day was named after Saint Valentine, of which there were many (it's unknown whether one person in particular
JetBlue Still Reeling From Valentine's Day Storm - Local News
JET BLUE A VALENTINE'S DAY HOSTAGE CRISIS. Nothing says "I love you" like being held hostage on a frozen plane with the man you love, 99 strangers,
JetBlue's apology
15 Feb 2007 Some people apparently spent a snowy Valentine's Day inside of JetBlue planes at JFK Airport in New York: JetBlue Airways tried to calm a
JetBlue Offers Passengers Rights, Compensation : NPR
22 Feb 2007 Its been a little over a week since JetBlue's Valentine's Day meltdown, and there's lots to learn from the airline's blunders.
BlueTales » JetBlue » Did you know… Valentine's Day
2 Feb 2010 CARSON, Calif. — Bristol Farms here has partnered with JetBlue Airways to promote its Valentine's Day Dinner for Two.
Three Star Leadership Blog: Lessons from JetBlue's Valentine's Day
4 Mar 2007 JetBlue CEO says the airline's new passenger Bill of Rights will be applied to appease thousands of angry customers left stranded on Valentine's Day . JetBlue , which operates 600 flights per day, will release
JetBlue paying millions to stranded passengers - todaytravel
Jet blue valentine day >>> jet blue valentine day HBS Cases: JetBlue's Valentine's Day Crisis HBS Working Knowledge Mar 31, 2008 It was the Valentine's Day
The JetBlue Post Mortem, Part 1: What Went Wrong? | BNET
5 Apr 2007 A Valentine's day ice storm put a strain on JetBlue's systems and processes for handling reservations, rerouting traffic and tracking flight
Hazards of Lean Service -- Jet Blue's Valentine's Day Massacre
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View Valentine's Day 2007 changed the course of history for JetBlue Airways. The .... It was not until 3 p.m. on Valentine's Day that JetBlue officials at JFK
Jet blue valentine day | Lone Oak Retrievers
21 Feb 2007 Since JetBlue's Valentine's Day meltdown, we've heard from passengers, critics and the airline industry apologists. But today, JetBlue
15 Aug 2007 To highlight the impact of growth on operations in service industries and to understand the long-term strategic implications of immediate
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